BLKOUT Models: Resin vs. Metal

BLKOUT Models: Resin vs. Metal

BLKOUT models come in two materials: resin and metal. We often receive questions about the differences between these materials, so this blog post will address them.

Summary of Differences:

Detail: Both resin and metal models offer the same level of detail. Advances in technology ensure no difference in detail between the two materials. Any perceived loss of detail is typically due to the color of the material. Applying a single-color primer will reveal that the detail is consistent across both materials.

Resin Models:

  • Infantry: Resin infantry models are typically one piece, requiring minimal assembly and cleanup.
  • Vehicles: Resin vehicles also need cleanup and minor assembly.
  • Fragility: Resin is more fragile but can be easily repaired if broken, as it tends to break along clean lines.
  • Bending: Resin infantry may require slight bending, which can be achieved using warm water.

Metal Models:

  • Infantry: Metal infantry models come in multiple pieces and require assembly and cleanup.
  • Bending: Metal models may need slight adjustments. Gently press them into place as needed.
  • Durability: Metal models are nearly unbreakable and can withstand significant handling.
  • Paint Protection: Metal models may chip paint if dropped or knocked. Applying a simple varnish can help protect your paint jobs.

This comparison should help clarify the differences between resin and metal models for BLKOUT and assist in choosing the right material for your needs.

Check out the comparison images below. The level of "sharpness" is equal between both materials.