the game
While most Wargames can drag on for hours with complicated rules, BLKOUT delivers action-packed gameplay in just 30-45 minutes with Easy To Learn Rules.
The BLKOUT Rulebook delivers in-depth tactical combat and scenarios. Quickly highlighting everything you need to know to play the Game!
How does it play?
Fast, Hardcore, Tactical
With Models being Destroyed with the single roll of a die, Players must rely on their wits, precise positioning, and equipment to win. Forget about special rules and army building; in BLKOUT, it's all about raw tactics.
Designed by real military personnel and advisors, BLKOUT focuses on positioning and placement of models. Not expensive books and complicated rules.
Jump right into BLKOUT with the 2 PLAYER STARTER SET. With 18+ Models, Tokens, and the Rulebook. Everything you and another Player need to Play!
BLKOUT's innovative Conflict System ensures that the action never stops.
Players engage in a dynamic "Roll Off," with the number of successful dice determining who gets to execute their action first. This leads to nail-biting gunfight showdowns where victory or defeat can hinge on a single dice roll, and you guessed it. The better position rolls more dice!
is it complicated?
With its minimalist approach BLKOUT strips away the cumbersome mechanics that often bog down other games. Forget the tedious task of point-counting; in BLKOUT, you simply choose a force and pick three units. And when it's time for action? No drawn-out processes. Often times one roll determines the fate of your target.
Imagine walking into a convention, getting a quick overview, and diving straight into the action. That's the BLKOUT experience—uncomplicated, fast-paced, and utterly exhilarating.
Welcome to Abol
Humanity's only colony planet is in turmoil. As factions splintered and martial law took hold, dominant state powers began to stake their claims. Arriving 30 years earlier than expected, and much more suited to warfare than exploration.
The period known as the black out heralds the eruption of intense warfare on this nascent world. These initial confrontations are not only rapid and deadly but also pivotal, poised to shape the destiny of the entire planet in a matter of weeks.
Players will take control of these initial forces guided under much larger powers. Shaping and creating the future of this planet battle by battle.
Created from the covert operations of Eastern Bloc nations, Borz relies on their methodical and relentless approach. Combining layers of impenetrable armor and barrages of coordinated gunfire.
Harlow units are primarily composed of Earth Borne mercenary groups, heavily influenced by their South African proprietor. Harlow is known for their brutal close-quarters combat techniques and the deployment of advanced AI Units.
United Nations
Raid Force Alpha, the UN's elite direct action team, eclipses all expectations. With advanced AI units and multi-role combat operators, they are the pinnacle of precision and power, ready to face any threat head-on.
Task Force Boone
Task Force Boone seeks revenge on an industrial scale, employing advanced military strategies and massive orbital drop forces. TFB delivers the killing blow.
The BLKLIST represents the various groups that can fight alongside the main forces. Add them to your group and expand your options!
Ever Growing!
Our most recent events were at Adepticon!
Featuring over 32 players per event and 400 new players joining the BLKOUT experience in one weekend!